Mission Statement

The Division of Pharmacognosy carries out research in pharmaceutical sciences focused on natural products from medicinal plants and microorganisms. Major tasks are the discovery of new biologically active compounds from natural sources and the characterization of their molecular mode of action contributing to a better understanding of the interaction of natural products and complex cellular systems. Our aim is pharmaceutical lead and target identification, the quality improvement of herbal medicinal products as well as the sustainable production of natural products by biotechnological approaches.


On 13.05.2024, Alexander Perhal participated in the science communication event 'Pint-of-Science 2024' with a talk on Natural Products as a valuable source of drugs. The event aims to bring science topics and labwork to a broader audience in a bar. The sold-out evening resulted in vibrant discussions with a highly interested audience and a chance to convey important scientific work to public outside of academia.


On March 22nd, Sheyda Bahiraii successfully defended her PhD thesis online, reviewing and discussing her four years of work on immunometabolism in natural product -treated macrophages. Congratulations Sheyda, you did a great job! We wish you only the best for your future steps.


Department Meeting

07.03.2024 - 27.06.2024


On September 28th, Andreas Wasilewicz successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled "Exploring nature for novel anti-SARS-CoV-2 activity". Congratulations Andi, well done! We wish you all the best for your future career.




Department Meeting

05.10.2023 - 18.01.2024


A new FWF project has been granted to Sergey Zotchev, head of the Pharmaceutical Biotechnology lab. This project aims to decipher the biosynthesis of meroterpenoids, compounds with a range of biological activities (e.g. anti-bacterial and cytotoxic). The results of this project may pave the way for producing novel meroterpenoids with improved drug-like properties by means of biosynthetic engineering.