Andrea Kodym


Elise Richter Research Fellow

room 2F 157 (floor 1)
tel  +43-1-4277-55293



  • Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
  • FWF - Elise Richter Research Project:  'Fighting Extinction - Conservation biotechnologies for endangered plants'
  • Cryopreservation of wild plant species for germplasm conservation
  • In vitro propagation of native plants for the revegetation of degraded landscapes and their horticultural development.



  • Tentiu A, Zapata-Arias FJ, Afza R, Kodym A, Pavlenko A. Changes of morphological and physiological traits of Zea mays plants and male gametophyte grown on condition in low dose gamma and ß radiation, Universitatea Agrara de Stat din Moldova, Lucrari stiintifice. Agronomy, 13: 239-243, 2005.
  • Tefera H, Zapata-Arias FJ, Afza R, Kodym A. Responses of tef genotypes to anther culture. Agritopia, 14:8-9, 1999.

Book Chapters

  • Kodym A, Afza R, Forster B, Ukai Y, Nakagawa H, Mba C. Methodology for physical and chemical mutagenic treatments. In: Mutation Techniques in Plants - Principles and Applications. Q.Shu (FAO/IAEA), H Nakagawa (Japan), B Forster (UK) (Eds). CABI Publishing. pp 169-181, 2012.
  • Kodym A, Afza R. Chemical and physical mutagenesis protocols. In: Plant functional genomics: Methods in molecular biology, E Grotewald (Ed), Humana Press, New Jersey. pp 189-204, 2003.


  • Maluszynski, M, Ahloowalia BS, Nichterlein K, Jain SM, Lee S, Nielen S,  Zapata-Arias FJ,  Bohlman H, Roux N, Afza R, Kodym A. Mutating genes to meet the challenge for crop improvement and food security. AgBiotechNet, 3: 1-5, 2001. 

Fellow- and Scholarships

  • Elise Richter Fellowship. Austrian Science Fund (FWF), 2014-18.
  • Career Interruptions Program Fellowship. University of Melbourne, Australia, 2011.
  • Erwin Schrödinger Overseas Research Fellowship. Austrian Science Fund (FWF), 2007-09.
  • Undergraduate Exchange Scholarship. University of California, USA, 1991/92.


  • Difficult to propagate plants for revegetation after mining. Alcoa of Australia, 2014.
  • Propagation of native plants for revegetation. Melbourne Water Corporation, Australia, 2010-14.
  • Research Collaboration Grant. University of Melbourne, Australia, 2011.
  • Restoration of habitat for bandicoots. VicRoads, Australia, 2011-13.


University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Vienna, Austria
1993Masters in Plant Science
University of Vienna, Austria
1991/92Undergraduate student
University of California, Davis, USA