Mission Statement

The Division of Pharmacognosy carries out research in pharmaceutical sciences focused on natural products from medicinal plants and microorganisms. Major tasks are the discovery of new biologically active compounds from natural sources and the characterization of their molecular mode of action contributing to a better understanding of the interaction of natural products and complex cellular systems. Our aim is pharmaceutical lead and target identification, the quality improvement of herbal medicinal products as well as the sustainable production of natural products by biotechnological approaches.


Based on her publication output, Angela Ladurner has been selected as a recipient of the Gertrude Pleskot Award 2017 granted by the Faculty of Life Sciences. We congratulate her on receiving this award and wish her a successful continuation of her research.


Mag. rer. nat. Simone Latkolik successfully passed her defensio for her PhD thesis entitled 'Functional and mechanistic characterization of novel selective modulators of retinoid X receptors.' Viva Voce 30.06.2017, Supervisor: Verena M. Dirsch


Aus dem Kräutergarten in den Arzneischrank: Pharmakognostin Judith M. Rollinger untersucht Pflanzenextrakte auf bioaktive Verbindungen, die bei der Entwicklung von neuen Medikamenten helfen können. Interview mit Paulina Parvanov (uni:view)


Wissenschaft und Pharmaindustrie begegnen sich auf dem Podium der Abschlussveranstaltung zur aktuellen Semesterfrage. Die Diskussion rund um Möglichkeiten und (notwendige) Grenzen der personalisierten Medizin lockt am 13. Juni 2017 zahlreiche Interessierte in den Großen Festsaal der Universität Wien.


Dagmar Pretsch! Congratulation to her project entitled: Targeting abnormal metal homeostasis to combat neurodegenerative disorders by natural products.


... and how to find them. Molecular genetisist Sergey B. Zotchev isolates microorganisms from nature to find those that could potentially be used in the development of new drugs.