Ulrike Grienke

Mag. Dr.


room 2F 451  (floor 4)
tel  +43-1-4277-55262
e-mail ulrike.grienke@univie.ac.at



  • Phytochemistry & Biodiscovery
  • Discovery of lead-like constituents from natural sources by biochemometric methods (correlation of chemical and biological data)
  • Application of chromatographic techniques for the isolation and purification of natural compounds
  • Development of analytical methods for qualitative and quantitative phytochemical investigations
  • Structure elucidation of secondary metabolites by the interpretation of 1D and 2D NMR
  • Identification of potential natural leads against influenza, anti-inflammatory agents, neuroprotective compounds, and potential cardiotoxic compounds in commonly consumed botanicals



  • 2012
    Egon Stahl Award in Bronze (Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research)
  • 2012
    Recognition Award of the Jury of the Award of Excellence (Austrian Federal Ministry for Science and Research)
  • 2015
    Young Investigator Award (Faculty of Life Sciences of the University of Vienna)