Zuzana Vaneková
Zuzana Vaneková
Mgr., D.Pharm. PhD
Post Doc
room 2F 415 (floor 4)
tel +43-1-4277-55242
e-mail: zuzana.vanekova@univie.ac.at
- Phytochemistry & Biodiscovery
- FWF-ESPRIT research project ESP 149-B: The Bog Bilberry Enigma
The bog bilberry (Vaccinium uliginosum L.) is a species of wild-growing berry native to most countries of central and northern Europe. While in some countries it is regularly eaten, collected and processed into jams and beverages, the local folklores of Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland, Alps and the Nordic countries recognize the berries as "poisonous", listing headaches, vomiting and hallucinations among the effects after consumption. These effects have been, however, not yet described in any scientific publication nor verified by any experiment.
This research will, for the first time, address the ongoing enigma surrounding the bog bilberries with state-of-the-art analytical and chromatographic methods:
- analytical supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC) or UPLC coupled with mass spectrometry
- HPCCC (high-performance counter-current chromatography) and semi-preparative, green-technology based SFC
- Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) (1D & 2D NMR) and UPLC-MS
- toxicity pre-screening in the Caenorhabditis elegans lifespan assay
- PubMed - NCBI
- ORCID iD: 0000-0002-8449-8621